Program Area: Transparency and Right to Information
[accordions] [accordion title=”Strengthening Investigative Journalism through Right to Information-(In Progress)“]
Project TitleStrengthening Investigative Journalism through Right to Information
Supported byUSAID
DurationFrom: February ,2014 To March, 2015(13 Months)
Project Objectives1. To establish an Information Clearing House (ICH), which can assess the information requirement of journalists and the challenges they face in accessing information; and take timely steps to facilitate them in obtaining information from public bodies by using existing laws including RTI laws
2. To build and strengthen the capacity of ICH in such a way that it can handle the increasing number of information requests including submission and follow up of complaints where public bodies unfairly deny or delay access to information
3. To share with journalists the information collected from public bodies on critical issues of public importance to support their reporting and investigative stories
4. To enable journalists to improve their reporting techniques and promote investigative journalism by utilizing the Right to Information legislation
Geographic FocusPunjab
Target Groups and beneficiariesMedia/ Journalists
DescriptionThis project aims to build the capacity of journalists to use RTI laws for the purpose of investigative reporting. The journalists, both from print and electronic media, will be trained in use of RTI in investigative reporting. The project team will keep a strong follow up with trained journalists and will keep on encouraging them to use RTI for investigative reporting
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Strengthening Transparency and Accountability Mechanism in KPK-(In Progress)“]
Project TitleStrengthening Transparency and Accountability Mechanism in KPK
Supported byUSAID
Duration1 year,
From: March,2013 To February, 2014
Project Objectives1. To raise public awareness of Right to Information, the windows of opportunities it opens and how the corruption can be reduced using the Right to Information tool;
2. To build the capacity of journalists, civil society organizations and local opinion leaders to use the RTI tools efficiently and thus creating a huge demand for RTI;
3. To sensitize and build the capacity of public officials to respond positively to the citizen demand of information
4. To design and implement a comprehensive campaign for reforms in transparency and accountability mechanisms at provincial level
Geographic FocusKhyber Pakhtunkhwa districts of Peshawar, Mardan, Abbottabad, Mansehra
Target Groups and beneficiariesPolitical parties, elected representatives, public officials, journalists, civil society organization, youth
DescriptionThis project aims at strengthening accountability and transparency mechanism in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province and generating awareness at grassroots level about using different tools to combat corruption. Furthermore, this project will critically analyze the existing anti-corruption mechanisms and would advocate for reforms where required. The project will also raise awareness among public regarding corruption in government bodies and will strengthen citizens’ voice against corruption.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Promoting Public Accountability through Right to Information in Pakistan-(In Progress)“]
Project TitlePromoting Public Accountability through Right to Information in Pakistan
Supported byFoundation Open Society Institute Pakistan (FOSIP)
DurationDecember 01, 2010 to June 2017
Project Objectives1. Strengthening Demand Side for RTI
2. Mainstreaming RTI in National and Provincial Policy Discourse
Geographic FocusNational
Target Groups and beneficiariesPolitical parties, elected representatives, public officials, journalists, civil society organizations and grass root activists of 8 districts of Punjab
DescriptionThis project aims at consolidating the critical achievements and builds upon the gains of CPDI initiatives on transparency and right to information in partnership with Foundation Open Society Institute. CPDI started partnership with OSI in December 2010 and the project completed in December 2011.

The proposed project is spanned over a period of three years. The project was implemented in 4 districts of the Punjab in first year and would be extended to 2 more districts from second year of the project. CPDI is focusing on initiatives pertaining to advocacy efforts for the enactment of effective right to information laws and implementation of the existing ones by focusing both the demand and supply side.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Strengthening RTI Movement by Building National RTI Coalition-(In Progress)“]
Project TitleStrengthening RTI Movement by Building National RTI Coalition
Supported byFoundation Open Society Institute Pakistan (FOSIP)
DurationDecember 1, 2012 to June 2017
Project Objectives1. Providing a platform to civil society groups for collective efforts for implementation of RTI laws and knowledge sharing.

2. Creating demand for enactment of right to information laws according to international best practices of right to information legislation;
Geographic FocusNational
Target Groups and beneficiariesPolitical parties, elected representatives, public officials, journalists, civil society organizations
DescriptionThis project is aimed at providing common platform to civil society organization to launch efforts to protect and promote right to information in the country. It has been a successful effort as civil society organizations have been able to pool in their resources to further strengthen their advocacy initiatives giving impetus to right to information movement in the country.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Building Capacity of Civil Society Organizations on Using Social Audit Tools-(Completed)“]
Project TitleBuilding Capacity of Civil Society Organizations on Using Social Audit Tools
Supported byFoundation Open Society Institute Pakistan (FOSIP, Open Society Foundation’s Human Rights Initiative (OSFHRI)
Duration1 Month, June 15, 2013 to July 15, 2013
Project Objectives1. To impart training on the use of tools for social audits to 42 civil activists, 14 per training.
2. To bring debate on the use of tools for social audits in mainstream development discourse
Geographic FocusNational
Target Groups and beneficiariesCivil society organizations, media
DescriptionThis short term project aims at learning from the success stories in the region and beyond and further strengthen CSOs work on social accountability by imparting training on the use of social audit technique and bringing social accountability into mainstream development tools.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”RTI Campaign – Federal Access To Information Network (FATIN)-(In Progress)“]
Project TitleRTI Campaign – Federal Access To Information Network (FATIN)
Supported ByFriedrich Naumann Foundation
Project DurationOne Year (Jan 2013 –Dec 2013)
Project Objectives1. To engage policy-makers, government, media organizations, civil society, state institutions and academia within Pakistan to implement The Freedom of Information (FoI) Ordinance.
2. To pursue a programme of Federal Access To Information Network that develops and advocates a discourse among the fresh graduates and emerging leaders of youth to exercise their right to information
Geographic FocusFederal
Target Groups and beneficiariesLegislatures, government official, journalists, Academia, Civil Society and Citizenry
DescriptionThe 2013 Right to Information (RTI) campaign, supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation, focuses specifically upon sensitizing youth leaders from the Federal Capital, Islamabad on RTI. The campaign aims to select a pool of talented students via an online competition phase on RTI and direct the efforts of these students towards filing information requests in pre-specified sectors. The campaign would build upon the prior year’s endeavors to recognize RTI as an enabling right. All the stages of the campaign would be documented via a documentary. The involvement of parents, peers and teachers of the students would help in first hand dissemination of awareness on RTI, while the involvement of media would ensure that the message reaches citizenry across Pakistan.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Right to Information Campaign(Completed)“]
Project TitleRight to Information Campaign
Supported ByFriedrich Naumann Foundation
Project Duration One Year (Jan 2012 – Dec 2012)
Project Objectives1. To engage policy-makers, government, media organizations, civil society, state institutions and academia within Pakistan to implement The Freedom of Information (FoI) Ordinance.
2. To develop and advocate a discourse centered on the values of equitable democratic and social entitlements – the purpose is to initiate the public dialogue amongst the stakeholders.
3. Building momentum for Right to Information law in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces.
Geographic FocusFederal Capital, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces
Target Groups and beneficiariesLegislatures, government official, journalists, Academia, Civil Society and Citizenry
DescriptionThe 2012 Right to Information campaign, supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation, focuses upon sensitizing and generating debate amongst various stakeholders, comprising civil society, public and the government institutions on the importance of having a functional access to information mechanism. The campaign constitutes workshops, seminars and a conference at the Federal as well as provincial level in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Apart from these events, the campaign seeks to enable the recognition of Right to Information as an enabling right via development of four animated spots and the publication of a booklet “Right to Information- an enabling right
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Engaging Stakeholders for Freedom of Information Ordinance and its Implementation(Completed)“]
Project TitleEngaging Stakeholders for Freedom of Information Ordinance and its Implementation
Supported ByThe Asia Foundation
DurationSix months, July 01, 2006, to December 31, 2006
Projects Objectives1. Building capacity of CSOs in integrating RTI in their work
2. Raising demand for enactment of effective RTI laws
Geographic FocusNational
Target Groups and beneficiariesCSOs, elected representatives, public officials
DescriptionThis short term project helped develop capacity of Islamabad based civil society organizations on the use of right to information in order to achieve their objectives. A regional conference on right to information was also organized in which delegates from South Asia participated.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”RTI diagnostic study-(Completed)“]
Project TitleRTI diagnostic study
Supported ByThe Asia Foundation
Project Duration Three months (Feb 2013 – Apr 2013)
Project Objectives1. To analyze the political commitment and legal framework facilitating citizens’ access to information in Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
2. To evaluate the implementation of the RTI Act or transparency provisions in other laws in terms of the setting up of adequate, appropriate and empowered institutional structures and processes to facilitate citizens’ access to information.
3. To assess the ease with which citizens can access information;
4. To assess the role of the media and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as users, facilitators, and educators of the RTI Act or transparency provisions in other laws.
5. To collect primary and secondary data on identified parameters to establish a baseline on the evolution of the information regime and the implementation of various information laws.
6. To formulate recommendations for strengthening the country’s access to information regime.
Geographic FocusNational
Target Groups and beneficiariesCivil Society, legislatures and public at large
DescriptionThis study, supported by TAF is the first of its kind endeavor in Pakistan that aims to evaluate the situation of right to information, gauging both the demand and supply side of information access mechanism, in extensive detail. Conducted simultaneously in four countries of South Asia, the study would utilize both quantitative and qualitative research tools to unearth the condition of the essential elements that RTI mechanism in Pakistan comprises. This study is vital as it seeks to identify the barriers that cripple the access to information regime at all administrative tiers and the problems/challenges prevailing therein. For Pakistan, the timing of the study is also very crucial- while the new Right to Information bill is under deliberation of legislatures at the Federal level, at the provincial level, efforts are currently underway, in both Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, to enact provincial legislations on RTI. This study is expected to serve as an impetus to the efforts undertaken in Pakistan to bestow citizens with their constitutional right to information.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Journalist Training for Effective use of Right to Information(Completed)“]
Project TitleJournalist Training for Effective use of Right to Information
Supported byBritish High commission
Duration1 year, July 09, 2007 to July 08, 2008
ObjectivesBuilding capacity of journalists in using RTI as tool for investigative reporting
Geographic FocusNational
Target Groups and beneficiariesPrint media journalists
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Experience Sharing on Access to Information between Civil Society Initiatives in India and Pakistan(Completed)“]
Project TitleEngaging Stakeholders for Freedom of Information Ordinance and its Implementation
Supported ByThe Asia Foundation
DurationSix months, July 01, 2006, to December 31, 2006
Projects Objectives1. Building capacity of CSOs in integrating RTI in their work
2. Raising demand for enactment of effective RTI laws
Geographic FocusNational
Target Groups and beneficiariesCSOs, elected representatives, public officials
DescriptionThis short term project helped develop capacity of Islamabad based civil society organizations on the use of right to information in order to achieve their objectives. A regional conference on right to information was also organized in which delegates from South Asia participated.
[/accordion] [/accordions]
Program Area:  Legislative Watch and Development
[accordions] [accordion title=”Long Term Election Observation and Oversight in Pakistan, (LTEOOP)(In Progress)“]
TitleLong Term Election Observation and Oversight in Pakistan, (LTEOOP)
Project DurationJanuary 2013 - December 2013
Project Objectives1. To strengthen democratic institutions in Pakistan by contributing to transparent and accountable electoral process.
2. To observe the pre-election and election day process
3. Advocacy for corrective measures for electoral reforms
Geographic FocusRawalpindi, Jhelum, Jhang, Sargodah, Chiniot, Khushab, Toba Tek Singh
Target Groups and beneficiariesElection Stake Holders
DescriptionTDEA-FAFEN is implementing the European Union (EU)-funded, Long-Term Election Observation and Oversight in Pakistan (LTEOOP) in partnership with its member organizations, covering all the National Assembly constituencies across Pakistan. CPDI in collaboration of TDEA-FAFEN will implement LTEOOP in 25 National Assembly Constituencies of seven districts in Punjab.
The overall objective of the TDEA-FAFEN strategy is to strengthen democratic institutions in Pakistan by contributing to transparent and accountable electoral processes. Free and fair elections are a vital element of democratic processes. The freedom and fairness of elections are not confined to Election Day. All aspects of the electoral cycle contribute to the freedom and fairness of elections and the democratic process as a whole. TDEA-FAFEN is implementing a long term observation programme as part of its overall election observation methodology, encompassing the monitoring of both pre and post electoral processes.
Under this program CPDI will recruit seven District Long Term Observers (for 10 months), 25 Constituency Long Term Observers (for 3 months), Two Assistant District Long Term Observers (for 3 months) and an Election Observation Manager (12 months) to execute the project. All LTEOOP staff will monitor the election related activities daily in their respective constituencies during the pre-election phase and report to FAFEN online reporting portal daily. CPDI will further recruit 4310 short term observers for Election Day observation in 25 constituencies. After the execution of election observation the LTEOOP District Long Term Observers will hold the advocacy campaigns on the electoral reforms in their respective districts which aim to reforms the electoral process in Pakistan.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”World Learning Legislative Fellowship(In Progress)“]
Project TitleWorld Learning Legislative Fellowship
ObjectivesThe World Learning Legislative Fellowship have following themes and topics related to legislation and governance that may be included in the program, as well as those proposed by participants – multiculturalism, ethnic/religious tolerance, social justice, emerging democracies, grassroots democracy, freedom of the press, environment, building civil society, transparency and government oversight, conflict resolution, economic development, worker rights, and the role of women. The program goals are as follows. Participants will:
1. Gain an understanding of public policy and the role of NGOs in shaping it
2. Explore governance principles and practices in both public and civil society institutions in the U.S.
3. Enhance their appreciation for the role of civil society in the political process
4. Gain a deeper understanding of U.S. society, culture, and people
5. Gain a deeper understanding of the societies, cultures, and people of other countries in the fellows’ region
6. Develop and implement projects or programs in their home country that promote good governance, civil society, and democratic institutions
7. Effect positive change in their workplaces and communities
8. Increase regional cooperation among governments and civil society
9. Create linkages between American and Asian governments, institutions, and citizens
Geographic FocusPakistan
Target Groups and beneficiariesNGOs, Civil Society Activists
DescriptionTo strengthen the understanding of the U.S. legislative branch and civil society’s role in the political process and foster relationships among Asian and American institutions, World Learning (WL) will select 40 NGO leaders and staff from Pakistan to join the 2012-13 South and Central Asia Region Legislative Fellows Program (LFP). The selected Pakistani participants will join their counterparts from across the region and actively take part in LFP, which is a two-way exchange project for professionals and young leaders from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan and the U.S. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of State. WL is an American educational and development organization with decades of training, exchange, and youth leadership development experience. Through the program 80 young emerging leaders from the ten Asian countries and 26 from the U.S. will gain knowledge and leadership skills to become more engaged in their communities, learn about their regional colleagues and discover each group members’ ethnically, religiously, and nationally diverse background.
LFP will increase the institutional capacity of local and national NGOs in Pakistan as a result of the active participation of selected Pakistani NGO leaders and staff. Through professional fellowships, experiential activities, dialogues, site visits, and training modules, participants will have the opportunity to increase their understanding of U.S. civil society while engaging in civic life in the United States. Participants will explore facets unique to each country’s history and identity, and engage in discussion and educational activities that promote learning on an academic and a personal level.
The World Learning Organization in collaboration with its partner organization Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives, (CPDI) will implement Legislative Fellows Program in Pakistan. CPDI will facilitate WL in selection process of the candidates.

[/accordion] [accordion title=”Content Development and Management for Pakistan Elections Information Web Portal (PEIWP)-(In Progress)“]
Project TitleContent Development and Management
for Pakistan Elections Information Web Portal (PEIWP)
Duration One Year (Apr 2013 – Mar 2014)
Objectives1. To sensitize the voters community, with a focus on Youth, Women and marginalized groups, and other electoral stakeholders like political parties, civil society organizations etc. on the importance of the political process and to motivate them to actively participate in the electoral processes;
2. To provide a one-stop resource to people of Pakistan about election related news, views and Information;
3. To produce voter education material to enhance the understanding of voters about political and electoral system of Pakistan.
Geographic FocusNational
Target Groups and beneficiariesVoters of Pakistan 2013 elections, political parties and civil society organizations
DescriptionThe project is aimed to sensitize Citizens of Pakistan on the power of their vote and thus serve as a catalyst in increasing the voter turnout. The project activities intend to produce a variety of audio-visual resource material to assist the voters in understanding the voting process extensively and also to motivate him/her to cast their vote. The project material, which comprises e-booklets, documentary, election jingle, democracy games, monthly newsletter, animations, online election analysis and quizzes on political concepts and facts etc, is all intended to be disseminated via utilization of web-technology as the primary means. It is envisaged that the project would connect the citizens of Pakistan in the electoral process and empower them in playing their part towards building a democratic Pakistan.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Strengthening Gender Legal Framework for combating Violence against Women (Completed)“]
Project TileStrengthening Gender Legal Framework for combating Violence against Women
Duration15 Months (October 2010-December 2011)
Project Objectives

1. To accomplish action oriented research study on implementation deficit of gender legal framework for combating violence against women
2. To capacitate the officials in legal structures for gender sensitive approach to support women victim in target areas
3. To inform and undertake advocacy campaign with civil society, government machinery and legislators for proposed gender sensitive reforms in legal structures to promote gender justice
Geographic FocusDistrict Jhelum, Khushab, Lahore, Muzaffar Garh
Target Groups and beneficiariesGeneral Communities, Lawyers, Police Department, Crisis Centers( Women Protection Centers), Public Helath Department, Legislators, Civil Society, Women Development department, Provincial CEDAW Committee
DescriptionGeneral Communities, Lawyers, Police Department, Crisis Centers( Women Protection Centers), Public Helath Department, Legislators, Civil Society, Women Development department, Provincial CEDAW Committee
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Women Political & Parliamentary Development (Completed)“]
Project TitleWomen Political & Parliamentary Development
Objectives1. To support a vibrant and strong Women MPs’ Caucus in developing leadership skills.
2. To Provide Women MPs Caucus with technical support in conducting researches on the topics of their interests
Duration 7 months(August 1, 2010 to February 28,2011)
Geographic FocusIslamabad
Target Groups and beneficiariesWomen Legislators, Police Department and Women Development Department.
DescriptionWomen Political and Parliamentary Development project aims to strengthen Women Parliamentarians Caucus (WPC) by providing institutional support and building capacities of WPC members in order to enable them to play an effective role in the parliamentary processes. Under research component of the project 7 research reports were developed to capacitate the Women Parliamentary Caucus on topics as follows:
Gender analysis of National education Policy 2009
Parliamentary brief on free and compulsory education
Gender base analysis of Police Order 2002
Parliamentary brief on Women Policing in Pakistan
Towards new legislation to combat burn violence in Pakistan
Rising from the ashes: Medical treatment of burn patients and victim of burn violence
Parliamentary brief on home based workers
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Parliament Watch Pakistan (PWP)(Completed)“]
Project TitleParliament Watch Pakistan (PWP)
Project Duration July 2011-June 2013
Objectives1. To observe the proceedings of parliament and share the reports with the voters.
2. To get the observation data on a specially designed check list based on rules and procedures of the parliament and generate qualitative reports of working of house and performance of members thereof.
3. To make the performance of houses and the members available for further research and advocacy.
Geographic FocusNational (National Assembly and Senate)
Target Groups and beneficiariesElected representatives, Voters
DescriptionThe project is aimed at getting an independent insight into the performance of the parliament and the individual elected representatives based on a scientific study that is supported by direct observation of permanent observers. The observation of the observers will be reported on a well designed check list that will be based on the rules and procedures of the relevant house of parliament. The project will disseminate observation information to all stakeholders i.e. parliamentarians, civil society and the voters. Purpose of dissemination of this information will be to bring improvements in the working of parliament and open new avenues of public accountability in Pakistan.
[/accordion] [/accordions]
Program Area:  Budget Watch
[accordions] [accordion title=”Strengthening Civil Society to Improve Accountability(In Progress)“]
Project TitleStrengthening Civil Society to Improve Accountability
Supported ByNational Endowment for Democracy(NED)
Project DurationOne Year (Feb 2015 – Jan 2016)
Project Objectives1. To analyze budgets of the provincial government and share reports with partners and stakeholders for debate and policy influence.
2. To form a network of different civil society organizations, academia and NGOs named “Citizens Network for Budget Accountability, CNBA” for monitoring of the budget at district level.
3. To provide facilitation and technical support to CNBA so that it can continue to efficiently monitor the use of public funds and take initiatives to make the relevant public authorities accountable.
4. To inform and sensitize key officials of district so that they could positively respond to demands of civil society by establishing transparent procedures, implement participatory budgeting, effective monitoring and democratic accountability of the use of public funds
5. To provide platforms for discussion on main concerns related to development priorities of the present government.
6. To provide technical assistance to district governments in developing their own districts websites where the budget of last three years can be placed.
7. Advocacy for transparency and public participating in the budget making process.
Geographic FocusPunjab
Target Groups and beneficiariesGeneral Public and District Governments of the Punjab.
PublicationsDistrict Budget Punjab-Study of Budget Making Process at District Level
DescriptionWith the support of National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) has been implementing a project on “Strengthening Civil Society to Improve Accountability” since February 2006. Initially, the project was implemented only in the Rawalpindi district but, later, its scope was expanded to district Jhang in 2008-09 and district Khushab in 2009-10. Main objective of the project is ‘to promote democratization by establishing and strengthening mechanisms of enhanced public participation in monitoring and accountability of use of public funds by public authorities in the districts of the Punjab. In 2013-14, CPDI will take the gargantuan step of widening the scope of the project further to cover all 36 districts of the Punjab.
The project will consist of a comprehensive study of budget process in 36 districts of the Punjab. This study will look into the budget making process at district level with the lens of accountability, transparency and public participation. As a result of this study, long-term engagement will be made with district governments to improve the process of budget making. Civil Society Organizations, academia and NGOs from different districts will be involved for the accomplishment of this purpose and a network named “Citizens Network for Budget Accountability” will be made. CPDI will provide facilitation and technical support to CNBA so that it can continue to efficiently monitor the use of public funds and take initiatives to make the relevant public authorities accountable.
Under this program CPDI will also be giving these district governments the technical support for developing their website where the budget of last three years will be placed. This would be a step towards open and transparent district government.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Our Money Our Responsibility(In Progress)“]
Project TitleOur Money Our Responsibility
Supported ByIlm Ideas, DAI-DFID
Objectives1. To analyze education budgetary allocations and disbursements at provincial and district levels
2. To identify the leakage in the education budget at district, school and SC level
3. To identify the issues of inefficiencies at the school level
4. To collect and analyze information on access, quality and satisfaction of beneficiaries of education services
5. To propose a set of recommendations for policy and decision makers
Geographic FocusJhang & Toba Tek Sngh
Target Groups and beneficiariesSchools and school going children
DescriptionPublic Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) is an important tool to track the flow of resources to the lowest tier of administration. Likewise in Punjab, the education budget is extremely low which in turn results in low educational outcomes. As observed inn previous fiscal years, even the intended allocations do not reach out to the users of that service in the education sector. Leakage in education is rampant. Most of the time, education allocations either go to salary or development of infrastructure, very little remains for operational expenses. In most of the schools, non-salary budget is non-existent and in some, well below the requirements. Such situation compels the school administration charging school increments' on a monthly basis which exert extra pressure on the already poverty stricken people. This PETS along with government and citizen report card on service delivery will help document the leakage, inefficiencies and procedural disbursement bottlenecks. The production of research report will be followed by district dialogues and annual conference on education governance in provincial capital engaging a wide range of stakeholders on issues of common interest in the education sector in Punjab.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Workshop on Budget Analysis and Budget Advocacy (Consultation)(Completed)“]
Project TitleWorkshop on Budget Analysis and Budget Advocacy (Consultation)
Duration5 Days (Sept 28-Oct 2, 2010)
Objectives1) Budget literacy – understanding budget documents (national, provincial and district)
2) Understanding the budget cycle targets and opportunities for advocacy (Preparation, Enactment/Legislation, Execution, Key indicators to monitor and Public Expenditure review)
3) Analyzing Budget (Current and Development Budget)
4) Budget Tracking
Geographic FocusIslamabad
Target Groups and beneficiariesAction Aid and its project partners.
DescriptionBudget making in Pakistan has traditionally been an exclusive domain of the government, as people could not access or analyze the relevant information in a timely manner. Most of the public has no knowledge of the budget making process at district level and could not differentiate between the development, non-development and current budget. To ensure the people centered budget making and to promote transparency in the utilization of the budget, people should have complete knowledge about its making process and have eagerness and skill to monitor it. There is a dire need for building relevant budget tracking capacities in the civil society and articulating and advocating peoples-centered budget making. With this background in mind, Action Aid Pakistan is arranging a workshop on Budget Analysis and Advocacy for its project partners. Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) is the implementing partner.
Main activities of the workshop will include:
Basic concepts of budget (including budget terminology)
Budget, types of Budget, Budget Cycle
Discussion on District Government; its structure and salient features
Fiscal Transfers
Budget Training
Current Budget
Analyzing the Current Budget
Understanding Development Budgets with special focus on education
Budget Advocacy -- Identifying Issues and Developing an Agenda for Advocacy
Freedom of information and its relation to budget work
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Strengthening Civil Society for Need Based Budgeting in Health Sector(Completed)“] [table “35” not found /]
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Strengthen Local Governance & Civil Society for Need Based Health Budget(Completed)“]
Project TitleStrengthen Local Governance & Civil Society for Need Based Health Budget
Duration One Year (Oct 2008 - Oct 2009)
Objectives1. To work with health authorities to achieve improved sharing of information and promote informed dialogue around various policies, priorities, resource allocations and management practices related to health services;
2. To inform citizens about their rights, especially their right to information, and entitlements in relation to health services under various laws and governmental policies;
3. To develop needs-based annual budgets of selected health facilities through a participatory process and then advocate reform in the way health budget is made;
4. To build the capacity of stakeholders including relevant officials, councilors, local civil society organizations and media, about the use of various laws to protect citizens and consumer rights vis-à-vis health services.
Geographic FocusDistrict Jehlum
Duration1 year
Target Groups and beneficiariesGeneral Public, CSOs, BHUs, hospital management & District Consumer Protection Council.
DescriptionThis project aims to improve the delivery of health services by focusing on improved mechanisms of information sharing, enhanced capacity of media and civil society for oversight, piloting and promoting needs based budgeting and building capacity of citizens or consumer of health services for seeking redress if and when they feel aggrieved or discriminated against.
The project will introduce a rights based perspective in relation to health services in the district, especially focusing upon right to information, needs based budgeting, transparency in management and utilization of funds and promotion and protection of citizens/ consumer rights vis-à-vis health services. A regular interaction with all the stakeholders and other health related projects would be ensured, in order to explore synergies and joint initiatives and minimize possibilities of any duplication.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Budget, Humaray Masail Aur Zimaydariyaan (A pictorial toolkit on Budget Advocacy)(Completed)“]
Project TitleBudget, Humaray Masail Aur Zimaydariyaan (A pictorial toolkit on Budget Advocacy)
Duration4 months (May -Sept, 2010)
Project ObjectivesA pictorial toolkit for better understanding of budget and budgetary process for common man. It includes basic concepts of budget, budget terminology, why and who makes the budget, spending of public money, whom to consult for queries and responsibilities as a citizen.
Geographic FocusIslamabad
Target Groups and beneficiariesAction Aid, project partners, CSOs and general public.
Description: Consultation – To develop a pictorial toolkit for better understanding of budget and budgetary process for common man

[/accordion] [accordion title=”Education Budget of Selected Districts(Comparative Analysis)(Completed)“]
Project TitleEducation Budget of Selected Districts
(Comparative Analysis)
DurationDec 2009
Project Objectives1) To review the budget making process for the education sector and assess whether it is effective and how it could be improved;

2) To analyze the budget documents relating to the education sector, especially from the perspectives of allocations, priorities, gender and regional or urban/ rural areas;

3) To examine the implementation of education sector budget, especially the problem of low utilization, and analyze the role of relevant institutions;

4) To identify the weaknesses and gaps at various stages of budget cycle as well as in relation to relevant procedures or responsible organizations, and make appropriate recommendations for improvement.
Geographic FocusIslamabad, Faisalabad, Multan, Jhelum, Abbottabad and Nowshera
Target Groups and beneficiariesUNESCO, CSOs, policy makers and general public
DescriptionThis will be the first study of its kind that will be carried out on the education budgets of selected districts by Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) with the support of UNESCO. Purpose of this study is to analyze the preparation and implementation of annual budget for the education sector in order to understand various trends in terms of budget allocations, priorities, utilization and peoples’ participation.
This study includes six case studies covering the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT); District Abbottabad and District Nowshera in the North Western Frontier Province (NWFP); and District Jhelum, City District Multan and City District Faisalabad in the Punjab Province. It is expected that this study will provide comparable data, which should help in informing various policy relevant analyses and discussions in the country.
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Rule of Law
[accordions] [accordion title=”Citizens’ Oversight of Federalism in Context of 18th Amendment-(In Progress)“]
TItleProject Title: Citizens’ Oversight of Federalism in Context of 18th Amendment

Supported by: USAID
Duration:October 2013 to November 2014 (14 Months)
Project ObjectivesThis project has been conceived and designed to achieve the following objectives:

1. To carry out action-oriented and policy relevant research, which is based on sound understanding of implementation related challenges and which provides practical ideas for progress in terms of people-oriented and more efficient implementation.

2. To improve public awareness about the salient features of 18th amendment, any implementation gaps, and how it should be implemented in relation to the selected sectors for the benefit of public and to ensure maximum public participation, transparency and public accountability.

3. To oversee the progress in terms of implementation of 18th amendment and highlight the progress as well as gaps with the aim of drawing the attention of relevant authorities.

4. To build capacity of journalists and civil society activists in terms of effective reporting or oversight of as well as engagement with authorities about the issues related to 18th amendment.

5. To promote use of available accountability mechanisms for the purpose of ensuring that pace of implementation improves in manner that is consistent with best practices and ensures public participation in all its phases.
Geographic Focus: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP)
Target Groups:Media/CSOs/Political Parties
DescriptionThe 18th constitutional amendment has significantly changed the nature of relationship between the Federal government and the provinces in Pakistan. It included 102 amendments, whereby various provisions of the 1973 constitution were amended, substituted, added to, or deleted. It has transferred a large number of powers, responsibilities and institutions to the provinces, and hence has empowered them to be able to efficiently respond to public needs, demands and aspirations at the provincial levels without needing approvals or concurrence from the Federal government. The reforms through the 18th amendment were widely agreed by political parties and appreciated by civil society, especially in the smaller provinces of the country.
The 18th amendment is, nevertheless, consistent with the long-standing demands of nationalist political parties, as well as those who believed that a strong Federation would be possible only through stronger federating units. It is also in line with the best practices in
relation to governance, which revolve around the principles like devolution, decentralization, subsidiarity, transparency and accountability. It is because the people can have more effective and stronger say when authority, power or responsibility is vested in institutions that are located closer to them.In Pakistan, however, the biggest challenges usually relate to implementation of laws,
policies or constitutional provisions. The implementation capacities are generally weak, whereas vested interests or players with interests in status quo also seek to obstruct or delay implementation of specific reforms. In relation to the 18th amendment, it is generally believed that bureaucracy at the Federal level is not willing to loose control and, therefore, has been offering resistance, which has slowed down the implementation process. Certain segments of political class also find it difficult to adjust with the new reality marked by a leaner Federal government and stronger provinces. On the other hand, provincial governments do not have the requisite technical capacities to quickly absorb the new powers, responsibilities and institutions within the existing scope of provincial jurisdiction. In this regard, they face numerous challenges including the following:
Laws, rules and procedures: As a result of changes in the constitutional framework, the provinces need to adopt the hitherto Federal laws, as per the needs of the respective province, or amend existing provincial laws to make them compatible with the scope of newly assigned responsibilities, or enact new laws, as required. Similarly, various rules and procedures also need to be improved and updated.Administrative measures and oversight mechanisms: The provincial governments need to take appropriate administrative measures to manage the departments, institutions, assets and human resources, which have been or are to be shifted to them, as well as to ensure the existence of appropriate oversight mechanisms. In certain cases, there will be a need to establish new wings or even departments to manage various responsibilities.Policy framework: In several instances, the provincial governments need to either come up with policies or adjust existing policies with the post 18th amendment situation. Relevant examples may include education policy and health policy, which used to be Federal in scope but now each province will need to have one exclusively of its own.Financial measures: While new powers, responsibilities and institutions are transferred to the provinces, there exist a range of questions about how the relevant financial requirements will be met. There exist controversies as well as confusions, which need to be clarified, besides ensuring that provinces are able to receive or raise required resources.Most importantly, as of now, the role of civil society in the context of implementation of 18th amendment is conspicuous by its absence. It is due to multiple reasons such as limited interest and capacities within the civil society as well as technical nature of interventions and engagement with the relevant authorities. Yes, it is imperative that civil society organizations come forward and play their role in terms of creating public awareness, developing or organizing the pro-reform constituency, undertaking effective oversight of the implementation process, engaging with authorities to highlight gaps or give public input, and hold the authorities accountable in case of any lapses, problems or inefficiencies.In view of the above, this project will be implemented in the province of KPK with a focus on education, health, food and agriculture. Most of the research, government oversight, and policy advocacy will be with the focus on provincial government or, though minimally, with the federal government. Besides, the project will undertake public awareness and consultation meetings or events in three main districts, which are Peshawar, Abbottabad and Mardan. CPDI has strong presence, connections as well as experience of working in these districts.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Civil Society and Police Reform in South Asia-(In Progress)“]
Project TitleCivil Society and Police Reform in South Asia
Project Duration Three Years (Jan 1, 2013 – Dec 31, 2015)
Project Objectives1. Contributing to enable civil society in South asia to play a greater role in the promotion of human rights and accountability in policing;
2. Build in-country knowledge of civil society in order to monitor reform initiatives and engage with policy makers and governments on police reforms;
3. Enhance public awareness of citizens’ rights vis-à-vis state authorities;
4. Build capacity of existing in-country external oversight mechanisms in order to strengthen police accountability;
5. Strengthen the regional network of CSOs, catalyse a regional debate and exchange of best practices on police reforms and orient it in accord with international human rights standards.
Geographic FocusNational
Target Groups and beneficiariesPolice and Citizens
DescriptionCentre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) is implementing a project on “Civil Society and Police Reform in South Asia”, lead by FNF and Funded by European Union (EU). The project focuses on police accountability and is being implemented in India, Maldives, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The project includes comprehensive research activities, multimedia campaigns on citizens’ rights, capacity building of CSOs and multistakeholder forums for discussion and dialogue. The project aims to generate an informed debate on democratic policing through a comprehensive research base, increase public awareness on citizens’ rights, having more informed police reform advocates in the region and constructing a vibrant regional network through multi-stakeholder forums for discussion and dialogue.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Supporting Transparency, Accountability and Electoral Process in Pakistan-(In Progress)“]
Project TitleSupporting Transparency, Accountability and Electoral Process in Pakistan
Duration February , 2011 to September, 2013
Objectives1. Governance Monitoring to ensure quality of services provided to the general public
2. Formation of Constituency Relation Groups to foster local level accountabilities with the objective of enhancing the responsiveness of elected representatives and public officials.
3. Increase public awareness about political and electoral violence and get support for its prevention and reduction.
4. Election Observation of all By- Elections and General Election 2013 to make the process more transparent and inclusive
5. CNIC and Voter registration to increasing citizens’ participation in democratic process
6. Parliamentary Watch to bring the performance of ER to limelight.
Geographic FocusNA51, NA54, NA55, NA56(Rawalpindi), NA63(Jhelum), NA66, NA67, NA68 (Sargodha), NA70 (Khushab), NA87, NA89 (Jhang), NA93 (Toba Tek Singh)
Target Groups and beneficiariesConstituents of all above mention 12 constituencies
PublicationsRequirement for an Access to Information Law in Punjab
DescriptionThe main aim of STAEP is to ensure more effective, transparent and accountable governance by increasing citizen's participation in ensuring transparency and accountability of elected and public institutions. Further program is to ensure democratic processes in Pakistan are more open, inclusive, efficient and accountable to citizens through multiple interventions; Improving the responsiveness of elected representatives to their constituents; Enhancing electoral reforms and citizen participation in democratic processes; Improving civic education on democratic rights and responsibilities etc.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Promoting Transparent and Accountable Public Procurement Regime in Pakistan(Completed)“]
Project TitlePromoting Transparent and Accountable Public Procurement Regime in Pakistan
Supported byAffiliated Network for Social Accountability (ANSA SAR)
Duration1 year, November 1, 2011 to October 31, 2012
Project Objectives1. Strengthening accountability mechanisms through the use RTI and procurement legal regime
2. Informed policy discourse on transparent and accountable practices public procurement
Geographic FocusNational
Target Groups and beneficiariesPolitical parties, elected representatives, public officials, journalists, civil society organizations, procurement authorities
DescriptionThis project raised awareness about procurement processes in public bodies and lacunas in this regard were highlighted by conducting and disseminating research studies taking into loop procurement processes adopted by public bodies.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Democratic Governance Program(Completed)“]
Project TitleDemocratic Governance Program
DurationJuly 2009 to January 2011
Objectives1. Governance Monitoring to ensure quality of services provided to the general public
2. Formation of Constituency Relation Groups to foster local level accountabilities with the objective of enhancing the responsiveness of elected representatives and public officials.
3. Increase public awareness about political and electoral violence and get support for its prevention and reduction.
4. Election Observation of all By- Elections and General Election 2013 to make the process more transparent and inclusive
5. CNIC and Voter registration to increasing citizens’ participation in democratic process
Geographic FocusNA51, NA54, NA56(Rawalpindi), NA63(Jhelum), NA67, NA68 (Sargodha), NA70 (Khushab), NA87, NA89 (Jhang), NA93 (Toba Tek Singh)
Target Groups and beneficiariesConstituents of all above mention 10 constituencies
DescriptionDemocratic Governance Program aims to increase accountabilities in public departments and make them responsive through public accountabilities. The primary objective is to encourage active citizenry to hold elected representatives accountable and answerable to their constituents. Program also ensures more open, inclusive and efficient democratic process.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Voter Education Project(Completed)“]
Project TitleVoter Education Project
DurationSep 2012 to May 2013
Objectives1. Mapping of 0% women turnout polling areas and ascertaining the reasons of low turnout in General Election 2008.

2. Mobilization campaign in targeted areas to raise women turnout up to 10 % in general election 2013.
Geographic FocusNA-64, NA-65 ( Sargodha) , NA-68 (Jhang cum Chiniot)
Target Groups and beneficiariesWomen Voters, Political Parties, Political Workers, Candidates and Community.
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Active Citizen Program(ACP)(Completed)“]
Project TitleActive Citizenship Program
Duration October , 2011 to June 2012
Objectives1. To motivate the youth to work for their community and inculcate the importance of active citizenship in them.
2. To Build the capacity of youth and prepare them for Social Action Projects.
3. It aims to contribute to positive social change locally and globally by establishing an enduring international network of young leaders who act together to address grass-root initiatives around the world.
4. It also encourages these young leaders to play a bigger role in their local communities by engaging thought influencers through dialogue, and through civic engagement with community-based organizations.
Geographic FocusNational
Target Groups and beneficiariesYouth
[/accordion] [accordion title=”Constituency Relation Project(Completed)“]
Project TitleConstituency Relation Project
DurationAugust to November 2008
Objectives1. Formation of Constituency Relations Group (CRG) comprising 25 citizens to bridge gap between elected representatives and the constituents.
2. Active citizenship to ensure that elected representatives are responsive, and meeting their words as they have promised.
3. Identification of governance issue through FGDs to raise demand for its solutions from the platform of CRG.
Geographic FocusNA51, NA54 (Rawalpindi), NA65,66 (Sargodha), NA69,70 (Khushab), NA63 (Jhelum), NA89(Jhang), NA93, NA94 (Toba Tek Singh)
Target Groups and beneficiariesConstituents and elected representatives of all above mention constituencies
DecriptionConstituency Relations Project will encourage active citizenship and empower the constituents to make their elected representatives accountable. Constituency Relations Groups formed in each constituency will identify local issues of governance and will raise public demands and will hold constituency forums, interface meetings with elected representatives, organize seminars and other advocacy activities to get the public demands met. CRGs will also work as a bridge between the electors and the elected.
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Promotion of Peace and Tolerance
[accordions] [accordion title=”Developing Employability Skills among Educated Youth-(In Progress)“]
Project TitleDeveloping Employability Skills among Educated Youth
Supported ByUmeed Jawan
Project Durationone year
Objectives1. To Train 1540 (approximately 65%-35% male-female ratio) graduate and post graduate youth from four target districts on employability skills by May 2015;
2. To minimize the skill-gap of educated graduate and post graduate students and enhance their civic education and knowledge on governance;
3. To enable youth to act as ambassadors of peace in their localities and reduce their vulnerability to join violent groups and by providing them employability skills and civic education
Geographic FocusMultan, Bahawalpur, Muzaffargarh and Lodhran
Target Groups and Beneficiaries: The direct number of beneficiaries will be 1540 graduate and post-graduate youth of south Punjab (660 from Multan, 440 from Bahawalpur, 220 from Muzaffargarh and 220 from Lodhran). CPDI will endeavor to ensure 35% female participation in the program.
The indirect beneficiaries will be 9240 (average household size taken at six people) members of families of the direct beneficiaries.
Description:CPDI’s Skills for Peace Initiative aims to prevent youth from joining violent groups by imparting employable-skills training so they have better career prospective and providing them civic education so that they can participate actively in improving governance and propagate the message of peace and harmony in the society by serving as ambassadors of peace. To achieve this objective, CPDI will train these youth in four skill development and civic education centers set up in district headquarters. Youth benefiting from this activity would belong to all 18 tehsils of the four project districts.
With the support of Umeed Jawan, CPDI will invite graduate and post-graduate degree awarding institutes and universities of all four districts to train a total of 1540 graduate and post-graduate students. CPDI will liaison with job sector offering employment opportunities and government institutions to arrange exposure visits on governance for the students.
[/accordion] [/accordions]

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