She Leads

Women NIC Project

Pakistan is one of those countries, which lag far behind in the human development index, especially on indicators related to education, health and gender. This situation is also prominently reflected in significant under-registration of women in the electoral rolls and calls for initiatives aimed at raising public awareness and facilitating un-registered women in accessing the NADRA offices and submitting applications along with required documents. Access to NICs will remove at least one of the barriers to women participation in the country’s political and economic life.

She Leads

The politics in Pakistan is dominated by males and there exist few opportunities for women to develop, enhance and demonstrate their political acumen and leadership abilities. There does not exist any platform or academy in Pakistan, where women could get political education and training for entering into the arena of politics with full confidence and skills to make their mark. The vision of peaceful and democratic society or inclusive governance cannot be fulfilled without the realization of underlying principles of justice and gender equality.

Projects Under She Leads
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