Strengthening Transparency and Accountability Mechanism in KPK-(Completed)

Project TitleStrengthening Transparency and Accountability Mechanism in KPK
Supported byUSAID
Duration1 year,
From: March,2013 To February, 2014
Project Objectives1. To raise public awareness of Right to Information, the windows of opportunities it opens and how the corruption can be reduced using the Right to Information tool;
2. To build the capacity of journalists, civil society organizations and local opinion leaders to use the RTI tools efficiently and thus creating a huge demand for RTI;
3. To sensitize and build the capacity of public officials to respond positively to the citizen demand of information
4. To design and implement a comprehensive campaign for reforms in transparency and accountability mechanisms at provincial level
Geographic FocusKhyber Pakhtunkhwa districts of Peshawar, Mardan, Abbottabad, Mansehra
Target Groups and beneficiariesPolitical parties, elected representatives, public officials, journalists, civil society organization, youth
DescriptionThis project aims at strengthening accountability and transparency mechanism in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province and generating awareness at grassroots level about using different tools to combat corruption. Furthermore, this project will critically analyze the existing anti-corruption mechanisms and would advocate for reforms where required. The project will also raise awareness among public regarding corruption in government bodies and will strengthen citizens’ voice against corruption.