Newsletter 194

A newsletter containing news, views, articles, investigative stories in the field of

Right to Information


Around the World

Issue No: 194 E – Alert Issue Date: 18-12-2019


RTI Behind Changing Behavior of Democracy in India

Since a burgeoning number of RTI applications have been registered in India in a year to demand information of public interest, the ecosystem of access…

Texas (USA)

Government agencies increasingly limit public access to officials and information

The Texas Monitor

Texas Education Agency Deputy Commissioner A.J. Crabill says he is hamstrung by an agency policy that prohibits him from talking to the news media…


NSW info commissioner reminds councils their private pecuniary interests must be made public

The Mandarin

Disclosing such interests is key to upholding openness, transparency and accountability in local government, according to Information Commissioner Elizabeth Tydd…


You don’t get your own truth, PM

Jamaica Observer

Jamaica has been blessed with a democratic system of governance of which we can be truly proud…


FOI Initiative is back

Business World

Enshrined in the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines (Article III, Sec. 7) is the right of the people to access information on matters of public concern…


Chief of Defence Staff to come under RTI Act: MoS Defence

ANI News

Chief of Defence Staff would come in the ambit of ‘Right to Information Act’, in accordance with the provisions of RTI Act, 2005…


RTI law not for only Journalists, every Ghanaian is a beneficiary

News Ghana

The Right to Information (RTI) law was not the preserve of only journalists, but meant for every Ghanaian to have the right to access information…

European Union (EU)

Still too hard to access environmental information in the EU

The new report – ‘For Your Information’ – shows that it remains difficult to obtain information on environmental matters, and details some notable examples…


Federal information commission set to launch website


Federal Information Commission has decided to launch its official website next week to help the people get the desired information from government departments…


Pakistan- Waziristan is leading in use of RTI law in tribal districts


Speakers at a day-long seminar on Thursday said that in the tribal belt, people of Waziristan are leading in the use of Right to information law…


From Ukraine to the U.S. Government, public integrity journalists fight for open records

Center for Public Integrity

Public Integrity national security editor Jeff Smith requested these documents under the Freedom of Information Act…

United Kingdom (UK)

Weaknesses in town council’s handling of Freedom of Information request

South Wales Argus

The town council was incorrect to refuse an FOI request to see a report produced at a full council meeting in May, according to an ICO report…

Transparency and Right to Information Program


Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives, Pakistan (CPDI-Pakistan)

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