
A newsletter containing news, views, articles, investigative stories in the field of

Right to Information


Around the World

Issue No: 168 E – Alert Issue Date: 02-10-2018

Right to Information Day: Experts demand more transparency.
The News
Right to Information Day (RTID) is marked annually across the world on September 28. This year’s theme is ‘Trust and Transparency’ that indicates a shift..


LIT makes a mockery of RTI Act, no annual report for past four years
The Tribune
Indifferent attitude of the Ludhiana Improvement Trust (LIT) towards implementation and monitoring of the Right to Information Act 2005..


People’s right to know motivates Gov’t to improve legislation on access to information
Minister of State for Media Affairs and Government Spokesperson, Jumana Ghneimat, said the government believes in the people’s right to know..


Right To Information Comes With Responsibilities
Media experts, at a panel discussion in Accra, have called on the Government to be proactive and finalise debates and reviews for the passage


Operationalisation of RTI laws still a far cry
The News
The Coalition on Right to Information conferred RTI Champions Awards 2018 on Riaz Khan Daudzai and Zohaib Hassan in the Journalist and Citizen and Best Performing PIO…


Canada slips to 55th place in global freedom-of-information law rankings
CTV News
Canada has slipped six places to 55th spot on an annual list of global freedom-of-information rankings, and is now tied with Bulgaria and Uruguay.


Govt fails to provide people’s access to information: study
Express Tribune
The government has failed in dispensing citizens with their right to access of information which is leading..


Right to Know Day: information commissioner addresses federal FOI officers
The Mandarin
Access to information through the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) supports transparent and accountable government…



Transparency and Right to Information Program
Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives, Pakistan (CPDI-Pakistan)
Tel: +92 (0) 51-8312794, 8312795