Newsletter 124

A newsletter containing news

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A newsletter containing news, views, articles, investigative stories in the field of

Right to Information


Around the World

Issue No: 124

E - Alert

Issue Date: 16-08-2016




ama's Trip to Paris Climate Change Conference Cost Taxpayers $4165068.40

... which Judicial Watch obtained through a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act



75 children went missing in 26 months in Jalandhar

Hindustan Times

Hindustan Times received information about details of missing children under the Right to Information Act, 2005. As per information given by the police ...


Sri Lanka

RTI: 2nd best Act in South Asian Region - Media Minister

Ceylon Daily News

“The best example is the bogus tales carried about the Right to Information Act (RTI), that this Act would limit the independence of journalists and…



62 pilots grounded in 6 months for violating air safety norms

Hindustan Times

“In the era of the Right to Information Act, there should be no opaqueness. If an airline has defaulted, the regulatory body should make it public,” said ...



Mobile speed cameras reap $3.6m in Melbourne's east in 2015

Herald Sun

Freedom of Information documents from the Department of Justice revealed the top locations across the municipality which stung motorists $3,635,733 ...



Children with mental health problems forced to wait up to THREE YEARS for treatment

Figures released under the Freedom of Information Act show youngsters battling depression, eating disorders and self harm are having to wait weeks ...



Authorities left in dark after toxic mineral exposed at quarry

Irish Times

The exact details of the sites have been excised from documents provided under freedom of information. However, there are mentions of new cycle ...



Fears grow over nuclear power agreements with UK after Brexit

Irish Independent

Documents released following a Freedom of Information request reveal high-ranking civil servants fear information exchanges will be under threat ...



Ontario's $300 billion in debt explained

Toronto Sun

He reported he's made six freedom of information requests. Four of these requests have been partially fulfilled and two have not been fulfilled.



RTI revelation: Rs 2958 crore spent on Ganga 'clean-up' without visible results

Economic Times

The response to a Right to Information (RTI) poser by a Aishwarya Sharma, a Class 10 student from the city, to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) has ...



Forget flossing: four alternative ways to keep your teeth healthy

The Guardian

The truth is out: a Freedom of Information request in the US has revealed that flossing could be a waste of time. So what can you do to protect your ...



Ombudsman asks PCB to share inquiry reports on match fixers

The News International

ISLAMABAD: In a major decision on right to information, the federal ombudsman has directed the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) to share details of ...



Maggot-infested patient lies unattended in washroom at Amritsar govt hospital

Hindustan Times

We are short of manpower to deal with our rush.” Rajendra Sharma, the Right to Information (RTI) activist who brought the man to the hospital, said: “I ...



Bowel cancer: 29% of UK hospitals not following guidance on testing younger patients

The Guardian

In Northern Ireland, 100% of hospitals that responded to a freedom of information request were conducting the screening. In Scotland, 93% of ...



How YOU pay thousands for police chiefs' household bills and private healthcare

Daily Mail

The scale of the benefits enjoyed by senior officers has emerged only after hundreds of Freedom of Information requests by the Mail Investigations ...



Convict's RTI petitions force EC to crack whip on missing electoral rolls

Times of India

CHENNAI: A series of Right to Information (RTI) petitions by a convict lodged in Puzhal prison has inadvertently resulted in the Chief Electoral Officer ...



Mumbai: No doctors to hear out patients at civic hospitals


A Right To Information (RTI) application filed by a doctor has revealed that out of the eight posts for audiologists in all the four major hospitals — KEM, ...



NU debars principal accused of sexual harassment

Times of India

... gave impartial report, she was being allegedly harassed by Jumde by filing numerous applications under Right to Information (RTI) Act, seeking her ...



Anti-Trump group files request for Melania's immigration papers

New York Daily News

The Democratic Coalition Against Trump has filed a Freedom of Information Act request to make public the potential first lady's immigration papers ...


Sri Lanka

Full text of Right To Information Act

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Speaker Karu Jayasuriya signed the Right To Information Act No. 12 of 2016 recently. Here is the full text of



How schools are failing some of NSW's most vulnerable students

The Sydney Morning Herald

Documents obtained under freedom of information laws reveal scores of disturbing allegations about bullying and abuse of students with disability in ...



Villanova Professor Sues CIA Over … Bay of Pigs?!

Philadelphia magazine

He's submitted three Freedom of Information Act requests with the CIA in an attempt to get the agency to release the document, but the CIA hasn't.



Left out in the cold: Hindus who fled Pakistan await Indian citizenship

Hindustan Times

The NDA government says more than 4,200 people have got citizenship between 2014 and 2015 but a Right To Information application revealed the ...



Pay check: Modi pulls Rs 1.6 lakh per month, far less than his secretary

Catch News

Earlier this week, the Prime Ministers Office (PMO) divulged the salary of all top officials in the department as per the Right to Information Act and it ...



Romanian murderer could receive £500000 payout for being unlawfully detained at an immigration ...

A separate freedom of information request made by the charity Citizens UK found that between 2012 and 2015, individuals wrongfully detained ...



Maharashtra: Sex crimes against children on rise; 11123 cases pending in courts

The Indian Express

The government figures were obtained under the Right to Information Act from the office of the Assistant Registrar (High Court), Appellate Side, in the ...



Unable to find India's poorest man, PMO returns Rs 1 lakh to Rajasthan donor

India Tribune

The government has no idea and it cannot find out either, the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) told a retired school teacher from Rajasthan who last year ...



Four PSNI officers avoid potential disciplinary action by retiring

Irish Mirror

... 129 police officers have retired whilst facing a misconduct investigation since 2011-12 according to answers to our Freedom of Information requests.



Finding the right measure

The Hindu

A Right to Information query by revealed that the government in Gujarat is funding separate cremation grounds for the Scheduled ...




Transparency and Right to Information Program
Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives, Pakistan (CPDI-Pakistan)
Tel: +92 (0) 51-2375158-9; 4319430